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日期:2022-04-26 作者:


Gohi Bi Foua Claude Alain(安澜)博士,副教授





GohiBi Foua Claude Alain(安澜),男,博士,讲师,攀枝花市委直接掌握联系第六类高层次人才,A类(高端人才)工作签证,美国Temple University访问学者。现任大红鹰dhy2288生物与化学工程学院教师。精通法语、英文、中文、西班牙语,通过汉语水平测试(HSK5级,《InternationalJournal of Material Science and Application》审稿人。热衷参与攀枝花经济建设和文化建设,加入攀枝花三线文化建设“大红鹰dhy2288博士宣讲团”,积极参与各类科研项目与化工学科建设。近年来,以第一作者、通讯作者身份及合作在Celland BioscienceAppliedClay ScienceInternationalJournal of Molecular ScienceAppliedSurface ScienceChemistryAn-Asian Journal FoodChemistry, Carbohydrate PolymersRSC AdvancesJ Chem Technol BiotechnolAppliedMechanics and Materials等国内外学术刊物上发表SCI/EI研究论文20余篇,其中SCI收录论文20余篇,一区论文3篇。主持市级项目1项,主研及参与多项省部级、市级与校级课题。硕博在读期间连续6年获得中国政府奖学金,连续三年被评为“湖南省优秀留学生”。多次参加校级市级足球比赛,并与团队获得2020攀枝花市五人制足球赛冠军。









[1] 四川省攀枝花市社科联基金项目“攀枝花大力融入“成渝地区双城经济圈”建设—高质量建设产业转移承接基地”。(主持)

[2] 中国攀西康养产业研究中心2021年度立项项目 PXKY-ZD-202102四川省康养产业与休闲体育产业融合发展的机制研究及路径选择。(参与)

[3] 绿色催化四川省高校重点实验室项目[2020]03项目,LYJ2003“基于光催化杂原子钛硅分子筛的合成研究”。(参与)

[4]攀学院学院项目[2021] 6 号,2020ZD017,粉煤灰高附加值产品开发及应用研究。(参与)











[1]BiFoua Claude Alain Gohi, Xue‑Ying Liu, Hong‑Yan Zeng, Sheng Xu, Kouassi MariusHonore Ake, Xiao‑Ju Cao, Kai‑Min Zou, Sheila Namulondo. Enhanced efciency inisolation and expansion of hAMSCs via dual enzyme digestion and micro-carrier.Cell Biosci (2020) 10:2  (SCI)

[2]BiFoua Claude Alain Gohi, Hong-Yan Zeng, Xiao-Ju Cao, Kai-Min Zou, Wenlin Shuai,Yi Diao. Preparation of the Hybrids of Hydrotalcites and Chitosan by UreaMethod and Their Antimicrobial Activities. Polymers 2019, 11, 1588. (SCI)

[3]BiFoua Claude Alain Gohi, Hong-Yan Zeng, Sheng Xu, Kai-Min Zou, Binyao Liu Xiu LiHuang, Xiao-Ju Cao.Optimization of ZnAl/Chitosan Supra-Nano Hybrid  Preparationas Efficient Antibacterial Materia. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 5705. (SCI)

[4]BiFoua Claude Alain Gohi, Jinze Du , Hong-Yan Zeng*, Xiao-ju Cao and Kai min Zou.Microwave Pretreatment and Enzymolysis Optimization of the Lotus Seed Protein.Bioengineering 2019, 6, 28. (SCI).

[5]JinzeDu, Bi Foua Claude Alain Gohi, Hong-Yan Zeng*, Bo Feng, Sheng Xu, Enguo Zhou,Xiaokun Shi, Li Jin. Electron Beam Irradiation Crosslinking and Flame retardantof EVA Using Melamine-Formaldehyde Microencapsulated LDH. Journal ofNanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2019, 19.1-9. (SCI).(共同第一作者)

[6]BiFoua Claude Alain Gohi, Hong-Yan Zeng*, A Dan Pan, Jing Han and Jian Yuan. pHDependence of Chitosan Enzymolysis. Polymers, 2017, 9(5), 174;doi:10.3390/polym9050174. (SCI).

[7]BiFoua Claude Alain Gohi, Hong-Yan Zeng*, A Dan Pan. Hong-Yan Zeng, A Dan Pan.Optimization and Characterization of Chitosan Enzymolysis by Pepsin,Bioengineering, 2016, 3(3), 17. (SCI).

[8]Xue-YingLiu, Bi Foua Claude Alain Gohi, Hong-Yan Zeng*, Meng-Chen Liao1, and Jin-WeiSun. Effects of collagen peptides-carboxymethyl chitosan microspheres onultraviolet induced damages. Materials Express, 2015, 5(6): 497-504. (SCI).


[1]Xiao-JuCao, Hong-Yan Zeng, Xi Cao, Sheng Xu, Bi Foua Claude Alain Gohi, Kai-Min Zou,Liu, Lu Liu. 3D-hierarchical mesoporous CuCo2S4@NiCoAl hydrotalcite/Ni foammaterial for high-performance supercapacitors. Applied Clay Science, 2020,105864, 199. (SCI)

[2]HuangZai-Chun, Wang Xiao Fang, Gohi Bi Foua Claude Alain, Li Yu Feng, Yao Kang,Jiang Zhi-Qiang. Urothermal Syntheses of Chirial ZincicBenzotrialzole-5-carboxylate Frameworks for Iodine Uptake. Chinese Journal Of Structural Chemistry.2020,03. (SCI)

[3]YuDu, Jin Lu, Hui Chang, Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Yu Fen Li, Bi Foua Claude AlainGohi.Matching Charge towards Synthesis of Tetrazole for Iodine Uptake. Journalof Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2020,05,00334. (SCI)

[4]Zong-XuLi, Hong-Yan Zeng, Bi Foua Claude Alain Gohi, Ding, Peng-Xuan Ding. Preparationof CeO2-decorated organic-pillared hydrotalcites for the UV resistance ofpolymer. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 507, 145110. (SCI)

[5]Kai-MinZou, Hong-Yan Zeng, Xiao-Ju Cao, Jian Yuan, Gohi Bi Foua Claude Alain, ShengXu, Hao-Bo Li, Yi-Wen Long. Preparation of a NiAl-Oxide@Polypyrrole Compositefor High-Performance Supercapacitors. Chemistry-An Asian Journal,2019, 01, 299. (SCI)

[6]Jia-ChaoShen, Hong-Yan Zeng, Bi Foua Claude Alain Gohi, Chao-Rong Chen. AdsorptionBehaviour of Cr(VI) from Ternary Mesoporous Mg/Fe/Al Oxide Using Glucose asSoft Template. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2019, 10. (SCI).


[1]A-Dan Pan, Hong-Yan Zeng*,Gohi Bi Foua Claude Alain, Bo Feng, Heat-pretreatment and enzymolysis behaviorof the lotus seed protein. Food Chemistry, 2016, 201, 15, 230-236. (SCI)

[2]A-Dan Pan; Hong-Yan Zeng*, GohiBi Foua Claude Alain; Yu-Qin Li. Enzymolysis of chitosan by papain and itskinetics. Carbohydrate polymers, 2016, 135, 199-206. (SCI)

[3]Xue-Ying Liu*, Hong-YanZeng,*, Meng-Chen Liao, Bi Foua Claude Alain Gohi, Bo Feng. Determination ofthe kinetics and influence of the mercury ion on papain catalytic activity. RSCAdvances, 2015, 5(84), 68906-68913. (SCI)

[4]Xue-Ying Liu, Hong-Yan Zeng,*Deng-Hong Peng, Bi Foua Claude Alain Gohi and Bin Fan; The three-dimensionalstructure and catalytic activity of Candida rugosa lipase against acetaldehyde.Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2015, 90: 1110-1116. (SCI)

[5]X.Y. Liu, H.Y. Zeng*, D.H.Peng, B.F.C.A. Gohi, Q.J. Huang, C. Yu and Y.Q. Li. Molecular Docking Studieson the Interaction of 2-Arylpropionate Esters with Candida rugosa Lipase.Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 496-500: 520-523. (SCI)

[6]Xue-Ying Liu, Hong-Yan Zeng,Meng-Chen Liao, Bo Feng, Bi Foua Claude Alain Gohi. Interaction of mercury andcopper on papain and their combined inhibitive determination, BiochemicalEngineering Journal 97 (2015) 125-131. (SCI)

[7]X.Y. Liu, H.Y. Zeng*, P. He,D.H. Peng, B.F.C.A. Gohi, B. Fan, C. Yu and Y.Q. Li. Candida rugosa LipaseAdsorption on Nylon-6: Optimization, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analysis.Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 496-500: 42-46. (SCI)

[8]张存滢, 曾虹燕*, 熊龙斌,刘学英,Gohi A., 蔡西玲, 陈泽新. 双金属Hg2+Cu2+对木瓜蛋白酶活性与构象的影响. 中南大学学报(自然科学版)201344(6):2207-2013. (EI核心)


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